What if?

David Goggins’ poses this seemingly simple question, and yet, if we respond to it with the drive and commitment he demonstrates in his motivational memoir, Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds, it will take us our whole lives to answer. That’s a very good thing.
If we respond to that question with courage and trust, the answer will amaze us. Not only will we exceed our goals, but a whole new world of exciting goals open up for us.
I don’t usually go for inspirational books. That doesn’t mean I don’t need the message or won’t respond positively to it — these kinds of books with 5 steps or 8 steps or however many steps to success just don’t happen to resonate with me.
To be honest, I skipped the action pages at the end of the chapters. But the chapters! Damn! This guy is a total badass! A Navy SEAL, an ultra race champion, and now, motivational speaker, David Goggins is the personification of perseverance.
This book will definitely inspire you, if not to run a 100 mile ultra race, then certainly to take that first baby step toward your goals. Highly recommend!
caveat: the language in some places is a little rough, but I like that the tone and style project an authentic voice.