“simplicate and add lightness”

Today I sat outside in the cool breeze and warm sun and drank a Dr. Pepper.

It was a tasty treat in the middle of the day — an indulgence since I’ve pretty much given up eating garbage. Whatever, I needed the break. I’ve done quite a bit at work in the past two days, and accomplished very little, so the break before yet another meeting was welcomed.

Among other things, we are moving toward social media at work. That makes me laugh a little. Okay, it makes me laugh a lot. I’m game; it’s gonna be a helluva experiment.

Anyway, I was checking my own social media stuff and ran across a status update by my cousin Ian, the rocket scientist. By the way, I love to say my cousin the rocket scientist. It makes the Trekkie side of me oh-so-joyful. But I digress….

The point is, Ian posted, “simplicate and add lightness.” Now, I know that has to do with design and making stuff go faster. It totally makes sense that he would use that well-known phrase, but the longer I looked at it, the more I admired its … simplicity… and lightness.

Isn’t that beautiful?

I’ve been trying to simplify for years. It’s a challenge, for sure. Clutter seems to be the natural order of the world today. The more I move to a paperless office, the more piles of crap that pop up. Clearly, I missed the memo on effective de-cluttering. I probably printed it and placed it in a pile somewhere.

Anyway. Simplicity and lightness. I like it. With apologies to Stout, I think his charge has greater application to slowing down. It certainly gave me pause.

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