so, I never win ANYTHING

100_6967You can imagine how skeptical I was when I checked my twitter one morning last week and discovered a bunch of congratulations (and a few bitter, but funny insults) about having won a MacBook Pro.

Yeah, right.

The beautiful thing is that it happened quite by accident. I innocently re-tweeted a message from Pat Padley, (run, don’t walk and check out the podcast he does with his brother Nick–InBetweenSundays). I didn’t notice a tag at the end of his line, but evidently it was enough to get me a chance at winning the laptop, and … well … the rest is history.

My skepticism was so great that I actually got a direct message from the guys running the contest to tell me that, yes, indeed, I had won and it was real. LOL! Consequently, I will no longer be playing the state lottery because I’ve used up my allotment of luck for the year.

So that brings to me to a couple of things. First, my sincere thanks to guys at MPORA who ran the contest on Twitter @mpora and gave away all kinds of cool prizes, including my MacBook Pro. Of course, the prize was a nice lure, but I bounced around their website and found that it’s pretty cool, and while not the kind of thing you’d see my lazy butt doing, filled with amazing videos (the kind, I think, that my brother and sister-in-law and their friends would think is cool).

Check out Nick and Pat at InBetweenSundays. Afterall, I am enjoying creating this blogpost thanks to them.

And, MPORA, cuz you know, it’s pretty obvious they deserve a shout out, too!

4 Replies to “so, I never win ANYTHING”

  1. wow! wow! Is this your first mac? If so, all the more congrats – and I recommend the podcast mac tip daily which give 2 minute really great little tips. That, and the apple tips vidcast got me up to speed when I got my first mac 3 yrs ago. In any case, enjoy!

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