Well, the conclusive results from today’s roto-rooter adventure are many: Mr. Crankypants was not ony cranky, but very funny in recovery. By funny, I mean his behavior–I won’t comment further because among all the things he said that I could have reported, was his pharmaceutically induced paranoia that he would be fodder for mockery here, and so in a gracious move on my part, I will surrender the opportunity for comic relief. More importantly, the glorious words of “no cancer” were uttered by his physician who would INDEED be fodder for much mockery here, but I won’t do that either.
Inconclusive stuff remains, i.e., he either has an ulcer or GERD. Whatever, more stuff to come I imagine. At any rate, Mr. Pants is fine.
Very glad to hear no cancer and that he made it through fine. Our prayers as the quest continues.