Day 14

Day 14 – A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

Well, duh. Again. We’ve been friends for 33 years. Whoa. That’s a long time. I only have one friend that’s been around longer than that.

In 33 years, I bet we’ve seen hundreds of movies. Or if you know about John’s movie watching habits, we’ve seen the same movies hundreds of times, LOL.

I’ve had gallons and gallons of sips from his drinks, cuz, you know, they taste better and I really didn’t want a whole soda anyway.

We’ve driven thousands and thousands of miles on random road trips to nowhere, or somewhere, or anywhere.

We’ve raised three kids.

We’ve gone to work. Gone to church. Gone bananas. Gone fishing.

Owned two houses. Thirteen cars. Fifteen cell phones. Seven hundred and forty-two DVDs. And a worn out Scrabble board.

We’ve paid bills, ignored bills, run from bills, and known some Bills.

We’ve fought. Made up. Fought some more. Made up again. Laughed. Cried. Prayed. Complained. Dreamt. Whined. Celebrated. Mourned. And made love. A lot.

Yep. That about covers it.

Day 13

Day 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist.

That’s a tough one! How can I pick a favorite artist? It’s like asking me to pick a favorite book. Oh, wait, that one’s coming up soon.

I noted once that if my life had a soundtrack, it would probably feature Elton John quite a bit. The first record I ever bought with some hard-earned baby-sitting money was an Elton John 45 — Crocodile Rock.

The first concert I ever attended was Elton John. When John and I got married and merged our LP collections, guess which albums were doubles? Yep, Elton John. It seems like he was constantly redefining himself and catching on with a new audience, but he never really faded off my radar. I loved the tour with Billy Joel and I think that went on for years, right? Then, I had kids and there he was working with The Lion King.

To say that he has been present in my life is not the same as favorite artist, though, and it’s bugging me a little that I can’t commit. I went to iTunes to check out play counts, and Twila Paris wins hands down, but that’s kind of skewed…that has everything to do with a particular CD I got and how and when I happen to listen to music from my mac, so…not really accurate, either.

The PC laptop is kind of the same thing … Santana wins there. The CD in my car has Michael Buble, but that’s because I threw my CD case in a box in the garage when my car was wrecked and I haven’t retrieved it (I know, that was last summer).

My car radio is tuned to the country station, and George Strait, Martina McBride, and Rascal Flatts will always be played at full volume. But so will Jason Mraz. And my mp3 players tells a different tale, in Spanish. If I hit the “most played” setting I get Celia Cruz.

Eclectic, eh?

Weezer, then, of all bands, captures the theme. You weren’t expecting that, were you?  Follow the link to YouTube…enjoy it and see if you catch all the references, oh, and look for a little Rick Roll in there.

Day 12

Day 12 – A picture of something you love.

I know I went on and on about not being attached to things in Day 07, and I haven’t changed my mind. But I do love this rosary. In fact, I wrote about it at Sarah Reinhard’s blog in a guest post last year.

It currently keeps me company in my car, wrapped around the rearview mirror. I usually take it with me when I travel or if I find myself with the opportunity to take a quiet walk. Maybe I pray with it, maybe I don’t, but its weight in my pocket is a comforting reminder of greater things.

Here’s an excerpt from Sarah’s blog that explains how I got the rosary after an evening of knot-making:

Surprised at my admiration of her efforts after being silly the whole evening, Linda pulled out a beautiful crucifix that would have been too large for the standard rosaries we made, affixed it to the rosary,  and presented me with the lovely gift – not just of a sacramental, but of the embodiment of a friendship that gives freely with no strings attached. It is certainly modeled after a greater Love.

Read the rest here.

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