7 Quick Takes Friday: In Which I’m Never Home

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


This week I was in the delightful little Texas border town called Harlingen. It’s right next to South Padre Island, which is apparently a destination. It’s also right next to Brownsville, which is a different kind of destination. I was hoping to eat some amazing Mexican food or maybe some Tex-Mex. Or beef.

Instead, I ate Italian. My hosts were ever so delightful and charming and hospitable. And in the course of a conversation, I discovered that the Italian place was apparently the place to take guests. Ok. I laughed a little and asked my host where she ate the best Mexican food. She said, “At home.”


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I enjoy traveling for work, and generally it is a pleasant experience. Generally. Assuming all the stars align and I can get through the airports. Alas. This was not to be. I left Atlanta after two hours of delays because of the terrible storms in the Houston area. Of course, I was headed to Houston. Apparently, the airport actually closed — and my flight, which finally left Atlanta hours after it was supposed to, ended up diverted to Kansas City, where we flew around there for a while until we ran out of fuel and decided to brave a shot at landing in Houston. We did. It was a nightmare. Suffice to say I got stranded in Houston — but not before I sat around for hours. I used my handy rosary bracelet a lot that day.

Also, you can see I’m wearing cowboy boots. Because I enjoy being a cliche that way.

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I was put up for the night in a very nice hotel. Who can be upset about room service?

And beer?

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St. Anthony’s Church was across the way from my lodgings, and every day I thought I’d try to get to daily Mass, and every day I was whisked away to work at some atrociously early time, so all I could do was wave as my driver zoomed past.


I couldn’t even grab a quick picture 🙁


Pretty much, this is what my week looked like:

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I did, however, drink plenty of water.

I just happened to supplement it with quite a few other delicious things.


And finally, I’m going to use this last spot to reflect on what I learned from this week and what I might do to improve my life next week.

It was busy. So. Very. Busy. I think I spent a lot of time playing catch up. I can blame most of it on the flight delays and the problems that caused, but really, it’s also because I do this to myself. I have a lot on my plate and I need to do two things, organize that time so that I can maximize my productivity, and remember to build into that some time to take care of myself.

I’ve been pretty sporadic about walking, so I think I’ll prioritize with that — carve out some time that is intentional for a daily walk.

It’s a plan.


a really really quick 7 Quick Takes

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


I guess the first quick take is that I am a super slacker and back to blogging. Maybe. I ain’t promising anything…and it’s all because of #2 ….


I started a new job. Well, that’s not really true…I have had some duties and responsibilities shifted and reassigned. That sounds a little more…accurate. It’s a good thing, but I am either totally immersed in computer stuff, or no where near one. Maybe I’ll write more about that sometime. For now, I don’t even have time to go to the bathroom, which presents an bit of an awkward problem, doesn’t it? Perhaps I can find a better description later.


My husband is embracing his inner Farmer John and has been working very hard in our backyard to create our own little Eden. He still hasn’t figured out that wherever he is, there’s my Eden, but I have a fondness for roses, and daisies, and his happy smile when he sits on the porch and surveys the back 40.


We took a wild whirlwind trip to Miami over Memorial Day weekend. I don’t know why I preface the statement with wild and whirlwind, as there is no other way that we go to Miami, but it was indeed wild. And a whirlwind. And. Much. Too. Brief.


We went to celebrate with this lovely couple. I love them all…and wish I could give them one more giant hug right now.


The absolute highlight of my week was celebrating my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. Aren’t they precious?


It merits another picture, this with my siblings…

Did I make it to Quick Takes Friday?

Oh! I remembered before midnight!

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


I can’t believe what a slacker I’ve been, specifically with the Quick Takes, but generally with the poor little ole blog. The upside is that I have posted some things elsewhere, so at least I’ve been doing some of that. Sarah Reinhard so sweetly encourages me to play at her blog, Snoring Scholar, so I wrote this about the #gratefultweets campaign. And then my review of The Mighty Macs that isn’t quite a review because I chat it up about how it stirs up old memories for me is at Patheos, which, by the way, you should check out if you’ve never seen the eclectic collection of bloggers featured there.


It wouldn’t be Friday if I wasn’t complaining about laundry. So, grumble grumble laundry grumble.


I started the week (or ended the weekend, I guess everything is relative) at the beach. You can see the pictures on this post.


I’m getting ready for yet another round of NaNoWriMo. While I’ve actually produced a few books that started during NaNoWriMo, I’ve never finished in the 30 days. It’s only 50K words. Only. One of these years I’m gonna do it. Could this be the year?


I’m a little bit outside my comfort zone right now…did I say I’m applying for a doctoral program? In creative writing? Maybe I’ve told a few people, you know, like friends who won’t laugh or think I’m crazy. Anyway, it feels a little scary saying it here publicly, but there you go. You might want to pray for me…obviously to get accepted, but practically, for me to actually finish the arduous application in time.


It’s the last weekend in October! I’m all stocked with candy for the little ones in the neighborhood, but besides the fun of Halloween, have you considered that it’s also the month when we celebrate the Rosary? I have a little story to tell about the rosary on Pat Gohn’s Among Women episode 112. You’ll want to hear all the beautiful stories shared in that episode!


Finally, I’m reading a new book. Maybe you’ve heard about it? It’s Lisa Hendey’s A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms . I’ll be reviewing it in a couple of days. Get it. It’s awesome!


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