some quick takes, quickly

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


It’s raining, and I love rainy days. I expect to get much accomplished today, and it includes a little bit of cleaning, a little bit of cooking, and a little bit of writing. The fact that I got to this post so early is a good sign for that last desire for today: a little bit of writing.


I got some really good direction for a literary analysis that I need to write. I know that sounds like homework, and it actually is, of a sort, but I’m nerdy that way, and so is the friend who suggested the theme, so…what can I say, I’m in nerd nirvana rereading the book and coming up with a thesis.


I ate some authentic Indian cuisine this week with a great friend at work. We decided that Wednesdays need to be our sanity days, and so we’re making an effort to get out and breathe and take a mini-retreat. I’ve eaten pseudo Indian fare before — but this meal was exceptional. Also, I’ve made a mental note that this is not a good choice for work lunches. Before you think things went south in the plumbing department, no, not that. I just feel like I smelled like onions and curry the rest of the day. Gum was not enough.


Put together some poetry. Let me say that I am alternately enjoying writing it and mortified by the feeling it is trite and just plain goofy. But that’s just the usual neurosis. Evidently I need to compose something about basketball. Don’t anybody hold your breath on that.


So I was going to Chicago. Then not going. Then going. Then not. Finally, I didn’t. And that’s that. No big deal, but I got a bonus day of writing. What’s not to love.


The CNMC is almost here! Are you going? You should. You really really should. Check it out here.


I took a mental health day earlier this week…and I have to say, I need to work those into my schedule more often. I take some artist dates on Fridays, just doing a little quiet time with myself kind of stuff and getting some inspiration for writing, but this mental health day was more like an artist date with a friend. It was refreshing, productive, fun, enlightening, goofy, adventurous, eye-opening, tender, wacky, prayerful, educational, and most of all a beautiful blessing. Amen.

a new 7 quick takes!

Oh! I’m back!

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


I had a grand total of 24 house guests over the span of the summer. In the middle of construction on the house. While I was redesigning a curriculum at work. I’m just now getting to the laundry.


Anybody wanna visit? I have clean towels now.


Classes started this week in the midst of a very exciting and very stressful transition to the semester system. I’m pleased. And really tired.


I just started a new novel. Let me clarify. I’m writing it.


I have discovered the greatest candy in the universe. Yes. A little gift from one of my delightful guests this summer: Texas Chewie Pecan Praline


John and I are celebrating 26 years of marriage this week. It’s technically next week, but we have some sentimental reasons for celebrating on Labor Day.


Which is why I’m giving myself permission to stop cleaning right now and go out to dinner with him. Clean end tables are overrated. I know this because I have this little reminder in my kitchen.



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