3 things on Monday

  1. Vacation!
2. Late lunch with my honey, and some Christmas shopping. 

3. Sharing a couch, a comfy throw,and shortbread cookies. 

on fire for Christmas!



How’s your Advent been?

I’ve had one of the calmest, slowest (in a good way), simplest Advents in a very long time. An Advent filled with prayer and holy reading. An Advent that has touched me in moving ways I couldn’t have anticipated. In short, it’s been a month of such peace and quiet in my heart and soul that I hate to see it go.

John and I have been taking turns reading from Lisa Hendey’s O Radiant Dawn and enjoying, so far, 21 candlelit dinners. It’s been a lovely way to slow down in the evenings, especially in a time in our lives when it would have been easier to take dinner in the living room while watching The X-Factor.

I do believe that the discipline of using a prayer resource, together, contributed to the overall simplicity of this season.

Of course, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have a little drama in there. I did set fire to the Advent wreath today. We were just having a nice brunch…the usual, some eggs, a little bacon, some tasty home fries.

And then the conversation got a little weird, even for us.

John: Is there water in that vase with the tree cuttings?

Me, pleased with my amazing Pinterest-inspired creativity: Nope, I used those pretty, clear little stones.

John: I think it’s burning.

So, I set fire to the Advent wreath.

Yeah. That.

Don’t worry, all is well. I’m just saying that book should carry a warning label.







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