Door: Weekly Photo Challenge

doorThere’s a door beyond this inviting path. I can’t see it, but I know it’s there. I can see past the sea oats to a building, and that vision houses possibilities.

I’ve let myself get a little lazy, a little complacent. It’s time to take out the old dreams, a little dusty now, and shake them up. Bring them outside into the sunshine. Follow a few.

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

C. S. Lewis

I was immediately drawn to this path when I saw it and wondered what might be on the other side. I’ve recently been thinking about the future and the possibilities for personal growth. My new book coming out this fall has opened some new doors for me and put me on a path of adventure, even though I admit it’s a little scary, too.

I’m ready to walk past those oats, over the bridge, and open that door.





Fun, fellowship, faith, frolic, fantastic, fair, fond, forthright, feel, fulfill, fabulous, fealty, felicity, favored, flourish, forgiveness, familiarity, fruitful, festive, frank, fortifying, fraternal, fascinating, free, formidable, familial, facilitate, flexible, folksy, funny. Faithful.

A true blessing…

Talking, eating, playing, praying, saying, hugging, listening, learning, daring, dreaming, urging, cooking, texting, calling, running, speaking, nurturing, crying, whispering, mending, holding, caring, encouraging, teaching, trusting, accepting, being, cherishing, laughing, living. Sharing.

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S.Lewis

C.S. Lewis on friendship

A recent post about books I’ve enjoyed sent me down a course to reclaim time for reading. I ran across this quotation from Lewis which was taken out of context, so I dug around to find it. It’s from The Four Loves, and I’m glad I did because the second half of the quotation, the part that says that friendship is about creation as well as revelation, really resonated with me.

Christ, who said to the disciples “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,” can truly say to every group of Christian friends “You have not chosen one another but I have chosen you for one another.” The Friendship is not a reward for our discrimination and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each the beauties of all the others. They are no greater than the beauties of a thousand other men; by Friendship God opens our eyes to them. They are, like all beauties, derived from Him, and then, in a good Friendship, increased by Him through the Friendship itself, so that it is His instrument for creating as well as for revealing.

It made me think about how I see new things through my friends, and how old things become new when seen through their eyes. But more than that, it brought home the central truth of friendship…

At this feast it is He who has spread the board and it is He who has chosen the guests. It is He, we may dare to hope, who sometimes does, and always should, preside. Let us not reckon without our Host.

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