Mischievous Mustache

This weekend promises to be a lot of fun. I plan to reconnect with friends I’ve made through the years as we’ve attended the Catholic New Media Conference (CNMC). Content providers and consumers will meet to share and network. And have fun.

Because always: SHENANIGANS.

The Post-CNMC Hangover

So you went to the Catholic New Media Conference in Boston. Had a good time?

I know you did. You made new friends, moved virtual friends into the Real Life column. You traveled, some of you, really far to get there, and then turned around two days later and traveled back home.

In between, you had tweet ups, and early calls, and rushing from one exciting session to the next. It was information overload!

We got pumped up for Christ! That’s what it’s about, of course. To arm us with tools for  evangelization, on the internet, yes, but really, in our lives. We leave the CNMC like any retreat: refreshed and on fire.

We look like this:

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And the truth is, we do leave renewed and ready to engage in the new evangelization.

But first, we have to get past this:

We’ve just started calling it the CNMC Hangover.

I think we should give a warning about this, but a little tiny part of me laughs and says: suck it up cupcake. It’ll pass quickly.

I promise.

Catholic New Media Conference 2013 Recap: Boston, redux!

CNMC logo

I always love the days that follow the CNMC, the Catholic New Media Celebration turned Conference now in its 7th event in six years!

Seven Six years! [edited: evidently I can’t count]

Impossible, and yet, here it is, or was. In other words, it’s over. Or a different way of looking at it, it’s beginning. You see, the CNMC has never been an end in itself but a springboard…to ideas…collaborations…relationships!

These first days home, as we unpack our bags are also an opportunity to unpack our feelings and thoughts about our experience. Social media is filled with reminiscences and jokes, lots of pictures, and banter with new friends.

I had an opportunity to present on blogging and engagement, and over the next few days will be posting my own response. But I thought it would be appropriate to provide a space to share those blog posts with the nice peeps who attended my session and said they’d stop by here.  So! Welcome! I invite you to share your blogs in the comments, and I’ll update the main entry. Maybe we’ll be able to gather a nice little collection 🙂

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