Delivery Matters

I’ve been presenting at a series of educational workshops recently that focus on course content. Curriculum building, especially full blown curriculum redesign, is the buzzword these days.

Content, as they say, is King.

But we have to remember that delivery matters. All the great content in the world is useless if we can’t deliver it in a way that is meaningful and relevant. We are not operating in a vacuum, acting like talking heads sharing our brilliance where it may fall — we need to establish a rapport with our students that promotes a relationship — with the instructor, with the content, and with the potential that the content opens for the students.

It occurs to me that this paradigm is not some revolutionary educational construct. It’s about good communication. Period.

Because delivery matters.

is anybody out there?

I love this video that Msgr. Charles Pope posted on his great discussion of the one-way talking that’s generally going on in social media. We talk about it on this week’s Catholic Weekend.  You can read Pope’s post here, but I can’t help sharing the video with you …

the power of words

I’ve been thinking an awful lot about words lately. The words I read. The words I hear.  The words I use casually and intentionally. My journal is full of incomplete thoughts this week — a smattering of words that go together or don’t go together, but I felt compelled to write down. Maybe they’ll emerge in complete thoughts later, or they’ll stay as some kind of found poem in the journal. I’ll come back to them, though, because words matter to me.

They really matter to all of us, whether or not we are aware of it.

Watch this amazing video about their power to move us.

I owe a HT to John and Alvaro for posting this on Facebook.

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