be careful what you poke fun of

I kind of ended up poking myself in the eye! Here’s this week’s Monday Musings. Start it here, but jump on over to Rosary Army for the rest of it.

Every morning on my drive to work I get caught at the red light at a very busy intersection. It’s one of those lights that seem to be out of whack with the rest of the grid, so I feel as if an eternity passes before it changes. Forgive my hyperbole, but when I’m trying to get to work on time, and I have coffee on the brain, it does seem like a very long time.

In spite of the gripe-y nature of my observation, though, the truth is that the corner generally offers some kind of local flavor for entertainment. For example, last year, there was a company that would go to homes and buy junk. For cash! I might have invited them over to relieve me of the mess in the basement, but their advertising was suspect. Ok, it was down right weird. Inexplicably, they placed their “junk movers” on each corner of the intersection dressed in royal blue Mario Brothers type work clothes — only, all of it, including an Afro-wig, was royal blue. They looked like that Blue Men troupe. Weird!

Of course, during election times there is a motley crew of folks waving and asking the commuters to honk for their candidates, and there is the random hawker, selling anything from home-made meat pies to kitschy stuff bought from some mail order import company. You get the idea — the corner is always full of surprises.

Last week my senses were assaulted by a woman dressed somewhat like a prairie settler from a hundred years ago, but she was in all white, including some Jed Clampett-looking boots in white, and she was verbally assaulting the drivers as they zoomed past. I figured that I had hit paydirt that morning — here was my entertainment, and I was lamenting that the light would change too quickly and I wouldn’t hear what she was yelling at us.

I got up pretty close and lowered the window, and right about when I heard “The Lord our God will smite you!” I caught sight of the bible that she gripped in her hand. She was waving it around and wildly gesticulating, and I thought to myself, oh brother, it’s just one of those bible-thumping weirdos.    [more…]

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