stop and smell the coffee


This delicious coffee break merited some cream.
This delicious coffee break merited some cream.

fireIf you follow me on twitter, you probably saw my sad lament that my very fancy coffee maker caught fire. It was tragic, but luckily I caught it before it turned into a real problem. Let me rephrase that, it is neither tragic, nor a real problem, but it is inconvenient. I’m in the middle of moving. There will be no shopping spree in search of anything fancier than Mr. Coffee. Or not. Ain’t nobody got time for this.

I’m no stranger to long periods of fasting from coffee. There’s lent, but I stopped giving up coffee for lent when the people with whom I share a home decided they would give me up for lent were I to try that again.

pressBut…there was that dark period in our marriage a few years ago when we both gave up coffee in a passive aggressive battle of wills that involved not being the one to go buy a new coffee maker. I turned to green tea. He turned to Mt. Dew.  Life was simple then. Can you imagine a 30+ year marriage where this is the only memorable fight? Ha. Me neither, but that’s all water under the bridge.

Today I say life is too short to give up coffee. I also say who wants to brave the mall? A friend with the same aversion to shopping calls the mall a four-letter word. She’s right. But my current circumstances demand caffeine.

I figured I’d be fine making cuban coffee with my time-weathered espresso pot. But no! I pulled out the French press. Aaaah! Life is indeed, good, and so worth taking the time for a little indulgence here and there.

I posted a list of great coffee quotes some years ago, but this remains my favorite:

Just around the corner,
There’s a rainbow in the sky.
So let’s have another cup o’ coffee,
And let’s have another piece o’ pie.
– Irving Berlin, 1932


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