

A couple of months ago I was playing around with the settings on my camera, taking many photos of the full moon and playing with filters. I was moonstruck. I took several without filters for comparison purposes, and at the end of the experiment, disliked almost every shot and put up the equipment without giving it a second thought.

My life is a chaos when it comes to pictures. I have thousands upon thousands that are not archived well, even with all the years of discipline with the 35 mm to limit myself to 12 or 24 pictures. The switch to digital dispensed with the discipline, and now instead of a couple of dozen shots to purge, it’s in the hundreds. Needless to say, I never get around to purging.

Now my computer yells at me every time I boot it. I guess I’m out of room. This is me, not caring. I like my chaos.

check out the weekly photo challenge

WPC: Life Imitates Art

I didn’t exactly take this picture. Exactly. But I framed it. Does that count? My life is imitating art.


Traveling Exhibit

I had the pleasure of going to the Vermeer exhibit at The High in Atlanta last year. The Girl with the Pearl Earring was the big draw, so they had this cut out in the lobby. I’m not sure this necessarily promotes seeing great pieces — but hey, it was there, why not pop in the picture?

The exhibit was lovely — as I appreciated Vermeer’s other works, as well, but this is what drew the crowds. Like the Mona Lisa, it was much smaller than I thought.

More Art — Imitating Art

Also, it occurs to me that the model resembles the actress Laura Carmichael who plays Lady Edith Crawley from Downton Abbey. Follow the links and tell me it ain’t true!

a vibrant pilgrimage


I had a delightful treat today. The best kind because it was unexpected and so appreciated.

I not only discovered a beautiful chapel, but happened upon it during a special period of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. My participation in a parent education series at the church took me into a new parish in the middle of the morning. I wanted to attend Mass before leaving on an hour commute home, so I resigned myself to a long wait until the next one.

Instead, I settled into an unhurried hour of prayer and reflection in the St. Mary’s Chapel. I loved the vibrant colors of the stained glass window above the altar, the subdued light above the tabernacle, nestled behind a veil, and the soft light from the candles on the altar.

As I gazed upon the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, I noticed the statue of St. Joseph to the right, and the bright image of the Blessed Mother looking down on the scene. I was enveloped by the Holy Family!

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