WPC: Happy Place


My happy place is definitely the shore. No question. I especially like rising early to catch the sunrise if I’m in the right place, or catch the sunset on the other side of Florida.

fishingThis sunrise is especially nice. The picture was taken on a recent family vacation to Florida that included almost the whole family. That mean a lot of early rising for fishing.
I don’t fish, but I do like coming along for togetherness — a lot of silent sitting together. Isn’t that one of the special things about being with people you love? Being able to sit in the quiet confidence that no entertainment is necessary, no conversation, just presence.


WPC: Creepy not Creepy


I took this creepy picture with my iphone 6 using no filters or HD settings. It was late at night and although there was a little moonlight, a storm was coming in and lightning ended up being the source of illumination.

I’m usually a big fan of storms, and this one brought in lots of thunder and lightning.

It looks super grainy to me, almost like’s a B&W newspaper clipping, but I like it. It’s mysterious.

WPC: Half and Half

I’m sure I’m not the only one to think of posting my morning coffee with half ‘n half in it to celebrate this week’s photo challenge, Half and Half.

I usually post just one photo, but this week, I’m going with two, one from nature, and one from people. I think it’s interesting to note how in nature there is a certain complementarity — a balance if you look for it. Last week I accompanied my husband on an errand to his office, and I took my camera to entertain myself while he was fixing something or other. I wandered around the side of the building which is filled with cactus plants — I mean packed tight. Who needs a security system? Only a nut would try to get past that wall of prickly things. Anyway, I was enthralled by the coexistence of purple hearts throughout the field of cacti, side by side, adding color and life to an otherwise boring landscape.


That’s how I feel about my better half — he complements my insanity with steadiness. He balances my world. We are half and half – a whole, but retaining individuality.


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