Fresher than Fresh: A New Tulip


This week’s Daily Post photo challenge, fresh, comes just in time for spring. There’s a little bit of rain falling, just enough to get things a little misted, and it changes everything. The dull dustiness of early spring — there’s no real color yet — covers everything in pollen. A little rain freshens things up again. The grass is just starting to wake up, and while there are lots and lots of flowers blooming, leaves and leftover wintry shrubs still dot the landscape.

dandelionThe scent of spring, wet and fresh, fills my nostrils and transports me back to my childhood. The honeysuckle isn’t in bloom yet, but oh boy — soon. Soon!

I admit that my tastes, and my wallet, have matured a little and I can indulge myself in the beauty of tulips, but I have a confession to make ….

This is my favorite sign of spring.

make a wish!

dandelionI walked outside from work and encountered this perfect little dandelion seed head. It was just waiting for me in the grass next to my parking spot, calling 8 year old me to make a wish.

So I did.

I threw caution to the wind, plucked it carefully, and blew away the little seeds.

And now I wait.

I love dandelions

I don’t know why everyone is in such a hurry to get rid of them. They are cheerful, happy little plants…and they grow without any fuss at all. 🙂

And the bonus part is that you can make a wish with the allergy-producing pod. Ha!

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