the struggle is real

The gift of grace increases as the struggle increases.

~St. Rose of Lima

I recently had an encounter with St. Rose of Lima while on a mini-vacation. Don’t worry, I don’t usually have saints come up behind me and tap me on the shoulder. I certainly wish  things were that easy.

It wasn’t like that — I’ve just had a lot of things piling up for discernment. I’ve often felt that a memo from God would make everything so easy. I could obey, or disobey, and it would be very clear either way.

So I found myself confused — a little lost even as I struggled to make some decisions on my own. I was on vacation but instead of relaxing I was getting more and more wound up. Finally, I just prayed for a church, any church, so I could go inside for a moment. To pray. To sit before the Blessed Sacrament.

My husband, aware of my anxiety, googled local churches while I went inside a gas station for some drinks. He was smiling broadly when I came back, and told me I’d get a nice surprise about a block down the road.

Sure enough, we turned down a side road and there in front of us was a quaint little church named after St. Rose of Lima. I got my wish and the peace that comes from prayer: Jesus I trust in you.

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