a little motion in the ocean


I cheated on this week’s challenge to capture motion. I went to the beach last weekend with high hopes of getting some good photography in — gotta get my 10,000 hours in this fledgling hobby of mine! Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate. I got a few good stills that I liked and included here, but overall it was overcast and stormy most of the time. I tried to get some birds in  flight not doing the usual — flying. I got one eating a little fish that a fisherman threw to him. He had to wait for the tail to quit flailing before he swallowed it, and a gull that landed, its wings still stretched out.

One of the things that delights me about this beach happens twice a day. Pods of porpoises swim west in the early morning, and return in the later afternoon and swim east. We’re on a peninsula and I think they must be going to the bay west of us to feed.

I’ve never been able to get good pictures. This time, with a better camera in hand, I was caught unaware and missed one of them jumping out of the water like Flipper. I switched to video hoping to catch it again, but all I got was two pods swimming along. That’s plenty of motion for the morning.

Here’s a bonus:


what inning is it?

I admit that I probably spend too much time on Twitter. It is a vast sea of ridiculosity, sometimes empty and sometimes fun. But generally, it’s a time suck.


Other times, though, it can be a great source of news and even education. It reminds me to pray. It invites me to reflect on some deep thoughts. It has gently and rather casually linked me to scripture and spiritually uplifting articles and blog posts that have made me a better Christian, and subsequently, I’d like to think, a better person.

It has provided me with a vast playground of like-minded people, which more often than not, in small spurts of 140 characters or less, makes me think.

I won’t delude myself into thinking that this can be a substitute for healthy personal relationships, which requires a different kind of intimacy, but in today’s vastly changing world, it is one window into a new kind of dialogue, and as it happens, it has turned out to be quite engaging, and a lot of fun.

I invite you into that little virtual world via Katharine Grubb’s blog, 10 Minute Writer, where she hosts a little virtual play-off party, no doubt inspired by some of the playful banter that gets thrown around the twitterverse.

Come to the party here.

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