What does beige and the Church have in common?

Well, for one, an atrocious trend in bland architecture and design in the latter part of the 20th century. Barring, of course, Gaudi’s gaudy Templo de la Sagrada Familia, which I saw in the mid-80’s and not only left me unmoved, it left me confused. There’s a time for less is more, ya know? Gaudi took it to the extreme. More is more, and then, let’s add some more.

So, I can live with disagreeing with the great architectural and Church minds of today that it is a masterpiece. It’s something. That’s for sure.

But I digress. This little ditty here is to whet your whistle for a little ol’ review of Fr. Robert Barron’s book, Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith over at the Catholic Portal atPatheos.com. It’s gorgeous. The book, I mean. The review is pretty OK, too.

I’m a pretty avid reader and zip through books quickly. Not so with Father Robert Barron’s work of art, Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith.I lingered over the pictures and reread many passages — not because they were difficult to digest, but because they are beautifully descriptive and rich with detail.

Barron’s style instructs without being pedantic. There is an underlying joy in what he shares, and it is contagious.

Read the whole review here, Catholicism: Out of Beige and into Beauty .

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