I filled my tank. Wow!

First, let me just say that psychologically, I was incapable of filling my tank once I saw the cost go waaaaay past $60. I just couldn’t bear it. Consequently, I would fill up when I had half a tank.

Or worse, if I got down to a quarter tank, I’d only fill up half a tank. Shameful, really, but depressing!

And then, I did this Hooray!

not a fan of being the harbinger of doom

The good people in Atlanta are a bit hysterical over the gas thing. I mean, we’ve already been paying over $4 a gallon — the fact that it dropped 35 cents and then went back up is, like, no big deal (please understand that I am outraged by gas prices, but not surprised that gas could go down to as little as $50 a barrel and we’d still be paying through the nose at the pump).

Anyway, Hurricane Ike has now caused a meltdown in the metro-Atlanta area comparable  to the depletion of bread and milk when there’s a threat of a quarter of an inch of snow.

There is no gas to be found anywhere, sparking arguments at pumps where people are trying to fill their tanks, and folks in line curse them out for “using up all the gas.” Get real people! We live in a consumer society and last time I checked things still worked on a first-come first-served mentality. I mean really–who told these goobers to drive around until they are on fumes and then hope there’s a station that still has gas in their vicinity.

And please don’t turn your poor planning into my problem.

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