a liberal arts education isn’t necessarily gonna make you rich, but it sure can enrich you


This afternoon I had one of those cultural literacy moments that made me smile real big, and then wonder about the tons of people who miss a great little play on words because they just don’t know. Makes me sad in a way, but then, the snarky part of me kind of relishes the “power” of knowledge and mocks the unknowing masses who trudge through life with that blank look that screams “I don’t get it.”

I admit that I am an intellectual snob. What are you gonna do about it?

So what prompted this rumination? Well, the folks across the street are gutting their house. Gladys Kravitz can probably tell you their life story, but I don’t really talk with them beyond the usual neighborly pleasantries. Basically, my job in that relationship is to keep the demon dog from eating their toddler.

Anyway, as I was saying, their house looks like it’s being gutted. There’s been a van parked in their driveway with some construction name on the side–who reads that stuff? Well, I read stuff. I can’t help it. It’s like an occupational compulsion. I got a good view of the van today because it was parked along the front of the house, and I nearly hit my own mailbox from laughing out loud (there really should be some convenient shorthand for conveying that thought).

What’s the company name and tagline? I thought you’d never ask:


Quality service you can have faith in.

Never mind that the phrase ends in a preposition Do you think they are Catholic? Do you think anybody else knows? Wouldn’t it be even funnier if they aren’t and I just have too much time on my hands?

I prefer to think the world is peopled with all kinds of clever folks.

voyeur me…I soooo love to people watch

It is especially entertaining as I drive home in the afternoon. You know, peeking into other people’s cars, checking out the oddities at the bus stop.

I drive through several different kinds of neighborhoods — some seem to have sprung up and others seem to be the ones that are designed as developments. Can you believe there are some regulars that I see? I never thought I was that observant, but today I recognized one of the guys who works very hard at keeping his driveway and front yard neat and clean–a daunting task when you consider that he now lives in front of a high density traffic area and most of the houses are getting zoned for business. Anyway, he persists, and you gotta admire that.

That, and he has a booming Obama t-shirt business in his driveway. I wonder how long it’ll be before someone shuts him down for some violation or other. You’ve gotta love that irony.

My favorite observation was at a bar that was just renovated and the parking was repaved. An old dude in a tuxedo was blowing the leaves and pine straw away from the door and off the parking area. It was hysterical. He’d blow the leaves in a pile, and when he turned around the wind kicked up and blew them back. It was like watching Sisyphus struggling with his eternal damnation.

I hope he got his task done before they opened.

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