more stuff I like

Since I’m mired in stuff I can’t stand doing, and there’s no way out of this mess other than just wading through the sea of essays and term papers neatly stacked on my desk, I humbly submit for your perusal, a list of stuff I actually like.

Enjoy! Or don’t. I won’t know cuz I need to get back to grading.

1. Chocolate. In any form, though dark chocolate is especially yummy.

2. Vision Elite Uni-Ball gel pens. In any color, but I am partial to the blue one.

3. Coke! As in Coca-Cola. With ice!

4. New fluffy socks. In ridiculous designs.

5. Chinese food.

6. Ice cream.

7. Giggles. Laughs. Guffaws. And smiles.

8. Cuddling.

9. A house full of people I love.

10. The early morning quiet right before dawn.

more things I like…

1. sunshine

2. rain

3. chocolate

4. big beds with lots of comforters and pillows

5. silence

6. Sunday drives to nowhere

7. passionate conversations

8. wildflowers

9. starry nights

10. kisses

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