quick, grab a pencil!

There’s so much going on right now that I have taken to writing a growing list of things that need to be done and checked off the list. Baaah. Spring makes me crazy. Spring plus graduation makes me crazier! And yes, Jonathan graduates this year. Unbelievable. Where did all that time go? Where is my pudgy little boy content to crawl into my lap for cosquillitas?

Um, he’s a big pudgy boy trying to maneuver his way into my lap for cosquillitas. Well, he won’t actually attempt to sit in my lap, but I might be watching tv or sitting in the back seat of the truck and he will plop one of his gigantic-sized limbs into my lap. So fresh.

Anyway, lots and lots and lots of other things happening over the next several months, too. One of them is the Catholic New Media Celebration in Boston, August 6-7. In fact, that’s going to be a biggie. One of the speakers, the delightful and talented Sarah Reinhard of Another Day of Catholic Pondering  and the “voice” of Mary Moments at CatholicMom.com is one of the presenters on blogging! Imagine that. She blogs. She’s Catholic. She’s funny. She’s real.

And she has lost her mind and turned over her precious blog to a guest post from little ole me.

You should go over there and read it and comment on it so she invites me again. Oh, and read her stuff, too. It’s charming. And much more interesting than the phone book.

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