a new little poem

I’m at Catholic Lane again this week with a poem about rocking chairs, and little ones in it. And then suddenly, they aren’t anymore. I was thinking about this a little more after seeing pictures of one niece going to her high school homecoming (she’s a beauty) and another niece (she’s a cutie) celebrating a birthday and following in her big cousins’ footsteps. Sigh.

But it’s a sigh in a good way.

Anyway, here’s a little teaser for the poem…you can read it all here:

Quiet Wonder

The rocking chair’s gentle embrace
Held you and me in its slow pace
Suspended, in both time and place.

As I, in quiet wonder, said a prayer.


to my absolute joy!

I found further evidence with which to annoy my children. It’s my hobby.

I have been excluded, ignored, chided, ridiculed, and finally befriended by them on Facebook. And the ridiculing continues.

It’s a beautiful thing. I post something. One of them tells me why I am a creeper, or a stalker or uncool.

My status is analyzed and deconstructed.

To my absolute joy, though, I discovered this article in last month’s Time Magazine that must have escaped their attention. Here it is. Enjoy it.

I hope you get some satisfaction, too. 😉

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