in the “those without sin throw the first stone” category

It seems like I’ve been having a little bit of fun with Trekkies lately (please, I know you younger folks prefer Trekker, whatever, Trekkie implies all the geekiness loser aspect of it–from back when it WASN’T cool to like science fiction, and that’s when I liked it).

Anyway, as I was saying, I’ve been enjoying the Trekkie thing, and re-discovered THIS GUY who has a blog and podcast about the Bible in KLINGON!  Save the mockery for another day, guys, okay? I’m actually being serious here. See, I’m even wearing my Starfleet T-shirt to prove my sincerity.

I really think this is cool. I mean, I’m not compelled to go out and learn Klingon any time soon; I have my hands full with the English, but it’s cool that he’s doing it, and it’s cooler still that he does it while providing reflections on some very key scriptural references.

I’m not gonna get my weekly dose of Jesus there, but I think that in the big picture, what he’s doing is both admirable and entertaining.  I’d like to think that when I write a serious post about the Catholic faith, perhaps in exploring my journey through the joy and revelation as it comes clear to me through my reading and understanding the Catechism, that I can help enlighten someone and make their journey easier.

That’s me being all altruistic and stuff. The truth is —  and I promised myself I’d be honest in my writing — the truth is that I write for myself as as way to explore my thoughts and my feelings. So, if you get something out of it, good for you. If you don’t, well, if you don’t then perhaps it’s moot because I can’t imagine why you’d be coming back.

My point is, and I did have one though I seem to have forgotten it, is that this guy is doing something that he enjoys and seems to be benefiting him probably in the same way that my writing benefits me. And everyone who is moved by it as a bonus.  So let’s not tease him today.

Tomorrow, however, is another day and my Starfleet uniform will be at the cleaners, so it’ll be open season on nerds again.


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