It’s #GraceofYesDay!

Yes to my students!
Yes to my students!

Here I am with Fiat, the adorable little fish on the cover of Lisa Hendey’s book, The Grace of Yes. Today, folks all over the internet are posting pictures of themselves, tagging them #graceofyes, and being witnesses to saying YES to God’s will in their lives.

Here are mine:

  • yes to my darling husband — for our love, and all the yeses that spring from his support
  • yes to my kids —  they changed my life in a beautiful way
  • yes to my career in education — I’m not going to lie, it is the biggest pain in my neck ever, and a magnificent return on the power of this yes
  • yes to my involvement in the new evangelization, first through Rosary Army and then SQPN, and all the subsequent opportunities to write and share, teach … and learn about our Lord, Jesus Christ.

To think that one fiat given 2000 years ago would have grown into all the yeses expressed today, and how those yeses continue to convert into more and more.

You can say YES in a number of ways. Here are some suggestions at Ave Maria Press’ Grace of Yes Day:

What are some ways you can say yes to God?

  • Give to a charity.
  • Being extra generous with your time.
  • Help someone in need.
  • Sharing your creativity with others.
  • Saying no so you can say yes.

What is your Yes?

Review: The Grace of Yes

yesOccasionally I’ll pick up a book with the intention of reading it slowly, to really savor it and reread passages that resonate deeply within me.

The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living by Lisa Hendey could be that kind of book.

Or it could be the kind of book you start reading a little before dinner and before you know it the doorbell is ringing because you got so caught up in it that your husband gave up on promises of pot roast and ordered pizza.

It could be that kind of book.

It is that kind of book.

I’ve enjoyed Hendey’s books in the past — they are practical and offer all kinds of wonderful activities and reflections for the Catholic life, but this one, The Grace of Yes, is something more. We’re invited behind the scenes and into an intimate conversation with the author. She doesn’t pop us over the head and tell us how and when to Yes to God. Instead, she shares her journey. It’s like being invited into her living room for some coffee, and then you don’t want to go.

I heartily recommend this book for those of you who have trouble saying Yes, not because you don’t want to, but because you’re unsure of yourself. And for those of you who don’t know how to say No, there’s something in there for you, too.

Get a copy for yourself, and a copy for a friend. Then, get together and discuss it.

  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • Publisher: Ave Maria Press (November 3, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 159471472X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1594714726

Go ahead and judge this book by its cover!

yesI just pre-ordered it myself and can’t wait to get it and read it.

You’ll want to do the same; I promise.

I’ve been a longtime fan of Lisa’s work, starting with, through two other books — The Handbook for Catholic Moms and A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms, her blog at, and now this exciting new book, The Grace of Yes.

You can read all about it at Here.

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