Month of the Rosary

The month of October is the Month of the Rosary. Although this month is no different from others, as I pray the Rosary every day with few exceptions, it is a marvelous opportunity to share my love of this devotion.

The newly designed featured my story in a moving series called My Rosary Story. Here’s the opening to my piece with a link to the full post at the end:

I hold the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary close to my heart, literally and figuratively. At first I was attracted to the beauty of the beads, from the simple well-worn wooden beads that my father had, or shiny mother of pearl I played with as a child when their owner, my mother, wasn’t looking. I would be an adult before the mysteries came alive for me. Since then, I’ve said the prayers in Spanish and English, and even entertained the idea of learning to recite them in Latin.

I’ve prayed the Rosary in bed late at night while falling asleep and early in the morning at first light. I’ve prayed in the car to and from work and on long road trips….

I’ve prayed the Rosary every day with very few exceptions for almost two decades, and sporadically before that. What is it about this devotion that endures?


Look, Mom! I’m not here today…

I’m playing in Dulcinea’s sandbox today. I’m talking about the night that Linda and I made some really ugly rosaries and burned our fingers with nylon twine. We were new to the whole process and made a lot of mistakes, but it had a happy ending. I promise!

I have a rosary that my bestest ever BFF, Linda, made for me many years ago. One evening we found ourselves sitting at my kitchen table drinking wine and making all-twine rosaries for Rosary Army. We were just learning how to make these rosaries, and to be honest, they were turning out … well … not very pretty. [read the rest here]

The delightfully charming Sarah Reinhard has once again opened up her very merry and very Mary blog, Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering, to guest posts, and guess what? I sent her football-shaped little Oreos to bribe her for a slot.

She’s so easy that way.

Of course, it might have been that I held her cowboy hat hostage for a month, but she’s the one that left it behind (I just want to set that record straight, especially now that my post has gone live).

So run, don’t walk on over there and see what else is cookin’ at her blog.

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