

A couple of months ago I was playing around with the settings on my camera, taking many photos of the full moon and playing with filters. I was moonstruck. I took several without filters for comparison purposes, and at the end of the experiment, disliked almost every shot and put up the equipment without giving it a second thought.

My life is a chaos when it comes to pictures. I have thousands upon thousands that are not archived well, even with all the years of discipline with the 35 mm to limit myself to 12 or 24 pictures. The switch to digital dispensed with the discipline, and now instead of a couple of dozen shots to purge, it’s in the hundreds. Needless to say, I never get around to purging.

Now my computer yells at me every time I boot it. I guess I’m out of room. This is me, not caring. I like my chaos.

check out the weekly photo challenge

ad astra

Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 8.16.33 PMWhat is it about the crisp

December night that beckons me


and compels me to look

past the tree tops

past the clouds

to the hopeful moon

and beyond?

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