so I have been remiss here, according to Nancy

By way of explanation, I am diligently working on NaNoWriMo, which means, of course, that I have run out of words for here. And to add insult to injury, I am nowhere near the necessary 50,000 words to win. I lose again. I have discovered that it takes three consecutive nanowrimo years to finish a book, so maybe if I compile all the words from the previous two FAILS, I’ll have one. It’s cheating, I know, but I won’t get the “I’m a Winner” button. I do have some integrity.

Anyway, Nancy wanted some reading material, so here ya go dear! Enjoy!

Click here to read about my favorite television show of all time.

Click here for some background information.

Click here if you like what you read and want to do something good.

It’s November 1st

NaNoWriMo started. I posted my first bleary eyed entry at the NaNoWriMo tab. Read it now — it’ll be replaced with something new tomorrow!

And come play with me. I’m Bego at

Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo!

If you don’t know anything about it, go to the National Novel Writing Month website (and it would be cool if you donated, too).  For 30 days in November, crazy people like me race to write 50,000 words before midnight on the 30th.

A regular sized novella is just 50k words. If you’ve ever wanted to write a novel, and you know you have, then the time to make up excuses is gone. This contest pits you against the clock, and challenges you with the tiniest little attainable goal: 1,667 words a day. For 30 days.

Piece of cake.

You can see my word progress on the widget in my sidebar, and you can see my daily writing posted in the NaNoWriMo tab at the top of this blog.

Join me by playing along or reading along. Either way, it will be an adventure.

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