in with the new in 2018

It’s a new year, and while I’ve given up on expressing resolutions these past years, it’s kind of a no-brainer that I re-examine my habits as they pertain to my health. We’ll see if it’s just bloggy lip service, but the truth is, I’m not particularly interested in being a Klingon.

That means I need to pursue some healthy LIVING, right? I’m in.

While I’m thinking about getting all healthy even though I’m in a bathrobe and lying in a recliner (I’m recovering from some surgery), I’ve had some time to examine other areas that need improvement, too. I need to foster a creative environment for myself, and I need to work on my spiritual growth as well.

It’s a tall order. Or maybe not. Maybe, I just need to do it.

Happy 2018. I hope our year is filled with health, hope, and faith.


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