las mañanitas


a little lame with the translation, but you get the picture 🙂

These are the songs that King David sang.
Today because it is the day of your saint, we sing them to you.

Wake up my dear, wake up, see that the day has dawned
the birds sing, the moon has set.

How lovely is the morning in which I come to greet you
we all come with joy and pleasure to congratulate you.

The day you were born all the flowers bloomed
and in the baptismal font sang the nightingales.

The dawn has come, the light of the day is given to us.
Get up with the morning and see that it has dawned.

Ink ‘n Doodles lives…

A bunch of years ago (wow, not yesterday?) my friend Rob Suarez started a creative workshop called Ink ‘n Doodles, a fun place for people to go play. We found not just a place to hang out and share our stuff, but a place to push ourselves a little — maybe take some risks, all in an environment of acceptance and support, and always with the exhortation to “go create something!”

We did!

Rob wrote a couple of novels, notably Murder by Design which is also a podcast. Chuch wrote an epic series, The Secret Society of Seven Sorcerers which is also an amazing podcast (check out Interview with a Wizard, too!).  Wency launched into blogging and no doubt, even more creativity in the classroom, and faced a different kind of challenge: he’s running marathons! What a beast!

What about little ole me? Oh, I’ve been writing here and there.

And today, I am a guest at my friend Pat Gohn‘s column, A Word in Season over at the great website,

Holy smokes! I mean, Viva Guadalupe!

Here’s an excerpt…go leave Pat a nice comment so she invites me back to her playground 🙂

I have fallen in love with a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe. “She” stands just to the right of the altar in our parish chapel, solitary and without the bright sunburst that we associate with Guadalupe. Posed with hands in prayer, wearing a sweet look that matches the serene, simple, and muted colors of her robes, her stillness and the simplicity inherent in her design soothes me. I find peace when I am before her.

read the rest here.

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