Novena Day 9: Our Lady of Charity

Thank you all for praying with us! We’ve made it to the final day! Today’s prayer, Day 9, is hosted by my dear friend Pat Gohn. I’m so happy that Pat is hosting this last day in the novena that has been prayed across many blogs — all written by women. It wasn’t by design — it just turned out that way, but I love that Pat, host of the Among Women podcast, has the final day. What a joy to have been among women in prayer. Thank you Pat, for your generosity and most of all, for your spiritual friendship.

Remember that prayer is timeless and if you’re just now discovering the novena go back to day one and join us! Don’t forget to leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for a copy of Our Lady of Charity: How a Cuban Devotion to Mary Helped Me Grow in Faith and Love. You can also sign up to get the daily prayers in my newsletter.

Catholic Weekend 187 with Pat Gohn

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William Newton and I welcome Pat Gohn to this episode of Catholic Weekend, direct from a cozy porch down a country lane.

We catch up with Pat, and launch into discussions about Pope Francis’ encyclical, Lumen Fidei, and his recent comments about a theology of women.

Check out the show notes, listen to the podcast, or watch on the Catholic Weekend page.

getting to the heart of the matter — and the Blessed, Beautiful and Bodacious giveaway!

BBB-Mug1-300x300Welcome to Day 6 of the Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious Blog Tour: Ten Bodacious Basics…Ten Minutes at a Time! Listen to today’s Audio Boo and enter to win your own copy of the book by leaving a comment, and then go visit the other blogs participating to get more great content (and chances to enter!).


Ok ladies — and guys, too, this is an equal opportunity opportunity. If you’re anything like me, the idea of taking a week, or even a weekend for a retreat or personal reflection on themes that are so important to our lives as women is crazy. We’re busy. Or so we say.

But that’s precisely why we need to take time to nurture our spirituality — whether we’re champion church ladies that can whisper a rosary in 5-minutes flat, or we’re curious about some things we’ve heard — perhaps a terminology we’re not familiar with. Or, like me, yearning to know more but not quite knowing where to get started.

If any of these scenarios apply to you, then you’ve come to the right place! Let me introduce you to my friend, Pat Gohn. Wife. Mother. Daughter. Catechist. Writer. Skilled Scrabble player, connoisseur of chocolate, chatty girlfriend, and author of a magnificent little book with a sassy title:


That title caught your attention, didn’t it? I know! What’s inside is even more amazing! Listen to Pat read this excerpt from the book. Her words will move you as she shares about the gifts of prayer in her life and love in action when a group of women respond tenderly to her needs during a difficult time in her life.

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Now reflect and share on this quote from Blessed John Paul II…

“Perhaps more than men, women acknowledge the person, because they see persons with their hearts. They see them independently of various ideological or political systems. They see others in their greatness and limitations; they try to go out to them and help them.” (Letter to Women, par 12)

I want you to read the book. Pat wants you to read the book. And the good people at Ave Maria Press want you to read the book, so I’m giving away a copy right here. Just leave your thoughts about Blessed John Paul’s quote in the comments below. The contest ends at 11:59 PM, EST, on April 26, 2013. I’ll pick one winner by random drawing during the live recording of Catholic Weekend on April 27.

Until then, you might want to ponder this:


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