a peaceful place

Bodies of water, whether a wide open ocean with raging waves or a calm pond in the neighborhood, both fascinate and soothe me.

This Lent I’m seeking silence and making an effort to get outside and move and breathe deeply. These guys, a lone fisherman and his winged companions, caught my attention. They stood motionless waiting for a bite. I could learn a thing or two about patience from them.

Do you have a favorite space or place to seek peace and quiet?

descent…another weekly photo challenge


On our most recent vacation to the beach, my husband and I sat on the deck from late afternoon well into the night as our week was coming to an end. We’re way past the age of frolicking in the surf until our mothers call us inside, so we were content to sit in the balmy breeze of late summer and just be.

Be together.

Be silent.

Be still.

It’s hard to do. But there’s a tipping point when you become drunk from the sensuality of the experience as you watch the descent of the sun. I’m talking about all the senses first exploding, then complementing each other, delicately, subtly. And you know peace.

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