seen in the neighborhood

chillin’ at the water’s edge

I’ve missed the weekly photo-challenge where I used to contribute. I haven’t stopped taking pictures, but I stopped sharing them here for no good reason. But I’m back! My life is slowing down again, and I’ve gone back out with my camera, not my phone, to see what the lens captures.

These pictures were taken with some new filters and frankly, I’m not a big fan of how dark they came out, even after a little playing with the files, but that’s how I’ll learn.

Meanwhile, I could have used the polarizing lens on these last ones, and didn’t have it with me. The result was a little washed out, but I like the end result. Totally lucky that the pelican’s wings mimicked the shrimper’s outriggers!

There’s no link up for a new challenge, but I’d love to see what’s happening in your neighborhood in the comments!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Refraction

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Yeah. It’s a stretch to find refraction here. Maybe if you look at the pine straw. Hard. Or if you look around the edges of the pads. That’s probably more an example of surface tension than it is refraction.

What can I say? It’s a totally gratuitous shot from the tiny botanical garden in town. I’ll follow the rules better next week.


dreamy time


One of my favorite things to do at the beach is sit on the porch late at night and just take in the whole scene. I love the sound of waves — the breeze at night.

That breeze is the best. The combination of the ocean and the heat from the day wipe me out. I tend to just sit on the deck and zone out into a dreamy state. It’s hypnotic.

It’s kind of surreal to be awake and yet in a far off state of such relaxation and peace that things seem to be … a little off.

Like this picture. It looks like a Dr. Seuss landscape, doesn’t it? I took it with a regular little point-and-shoot. No filters, no editing.

I keep expecting Horton the Elephant.

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