Formidable Women: Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe

rosemaryEver since I wrote My Badass Book of Saints, people are crazy wild to send me links to amazing, courageous women in the news. I so appreciate it, and feel like I could fill two more volumes with stories of women filled with courage and grit. Formidable women. You know, badass.

Today I’m over at with one of those stories, the story of Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe’s efforts in making peaceful change in Uganda by empwering women and girls with the knowledge of their dignity.

Here’s a little piece of my story…my favorite part where I get to dance a little:

I spoke with Sister Rosemary during one of the lunches at the CPA conference. I shyly approached Sister, but she put me at ease instantly. She was holding her phone with one hand, and waving the other animatedly while dancing in her seat. Her smile captured my heart long before I got close enough to hear the Alur music blaring from her phone.

“Do you know this music?” she asked me, not expecting my positive response.

“Of course,” I said, as I danced around her. That seemed to delight her more. I explained that I’m from the Caribbean and our music shares those rhythms.

After a little giggling and some more music and dancing, we settled into a comfortable conversation about her efforts to educate as many people as possible about the plight of the women in her care and St. Monica’s efforts to provide healing and hope. I noted immediately that Sister does not focus on the women’s victimization, but rather their dignity.

Please follow the link to read the rest.

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