things I think about when I think about things

I had to be at work so early that I left in the dark. It doesn’t bother me; it used to be quite normal. I had forgotten how lovely it is to catch the sunrise. This time it took me by surprise, which is the best kind of way to experience it, I think. I live in a kind of hilly area, and I turned after a long curve and there it was! The effect was stunning. We’re having a cold front moving in, and the clouds in the distance looked like a mountain range. Awesome. I love God’s artwork so early in the morning.


Speaking of God, I was thinking about the Pope, because, hey, who isn’t? He seems like a pretty nice guy…as far as one can tell by his antics like stopping the Popemobile. Ha. I’ve also really loved the things he’s said…and naturally, the flurry to backpeddle and read all about him is the current insanity. All that aside (I’m not brushing it off — I am obviously interested in what the Holy Father has to say), I was actually just praying for the man. I can’t imagine how his world got turned upside down and what an adjustment it must be. I mean, it’s not like he can go back to his apartment and pick up his things, say ‘bye to his friends, have a little going away party, you know, cuz HE’S SUDDENLY THE POPE!


I started this new blog documenting what I do as an instructor in the technical college system. It’s just a marketing tool, but if you’re curious, here it is: more than an essay.


So how’s your Lent coming along? I think it’s a funny question. I’ll tell you that mine has been a surprise, and I’m pleased with some insights I’ve had. That’s a grace, for sure.


Also, I’m really craving pancakes. Instead, I’m having a boiled egg.


What are you thinking about?

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