Happy Birthday to Mom, and other stuff

So Mami, happy birthday. I hope Christi took you some tasty food! Yummy!

After spending Turkey Day in pajamas and watching parades and Christmas movies and eating leftovers, we celebrated a post-Thanksgiving thanksgiving meal on Friday when Vicky snuck out between a harried return from New York and an insanely early call for rehearsal and deployment to the land of the enemy in Athens. At least today’s battle was successful. go Jackets!

Christy has recovered very nicely from the surgery. She is still terrified by the thought of sneezing, and now that she looks less swollen we enjoy laughing at her hysterical response to the tickling that is a preface to a sneeze. Ha! I do not envy the follow up next week when they yank the splints out of her nose. At least they don’t do any packing any more. She looks totally normal now that her face isn’t swollen. Oh, and her nose is on straighter. Christaar is a champ!

The boy, on the other hand, is still in a great deal of pain, and then has a good day, only to push himself and fall back again. Percacet and ice packs are his friend. Poor kid. the physical therapy felt good, but the exercises are maybe stressing him a little.

Okay, so that’s it — not quite the Thanksgiving break we were expecting, but everything’s cool.

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