back in bayou la batre

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It seems I’m destined for a lot of travel this year. Who can complain about that? I wish I could say this last trip was to exotic and faraway places, but it wasn’t. Still, it took me away from home and my honey. I’m happy to be back.

Chores and some other things awaited me, so I didn’t feel like I had reached my down time at home. I even felt a little off, like Fall wasn’t quite right with this new scenery. I missed the Stone Mountain daisies that cover all the granite in Rockdale and DeKalb this time of year. Silly me, ruminating on somewhere else and not seeing the prettiful sights in front of me.

My errand to the post office fixed that mindset. The office closed from 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch, and it was 12:05. I had to get the package in the mail, so I hung around the area, exploring.

What a blessing!

Salt marshes have replaced the ubiquitous granite. No more Stone Mountain daisies — time to learn the names of the wildflowers here! No bluebirds, but pelicans are everywhere, and I even saw some ducks and geese. A lot of the winter migration goes through this area, so I better be on the lookout for some other delights.

This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118: 24

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