Happy Boxing Day!

Perhaps better known as the Feast of St. Stephen, so happy thoughts for all the Stephens, Steves, Estebans, etc. Our friends to the north and other countries with strong UK influences celebrate today, the second day of Christmas pretty much the way the Yanks treat the day after Thanksgiving. You can read the wikipedia article here.

I rather like the notion of the almsgiving although I am somewhat amused (or offended) by wikipedia’s assertion that one must give to the “inferior” people. Wow. Does it really say that? HA! I am motivated to scavenge through the house in a simplification ritual and make a trip to Goodwill though.

Anyway, as I am neither named Stephen nor living in Canada or Australia or the UK, I treat today as that obnoxious moment of reality when all the messes in the house must be taken care of with dispatch. That includes trying to figure out what to do with the weird and useless gifts, of which luckily, I received none this year. Nevertheless, there’s still time — it’s still Christmas after all.

I shall also not be re-gifting. Those of you who gave me questionable gifts can breathe a sigh of relief. If you’re interested, though, there’s a great site for trading and, if you have a sick sense of humor like me and wish to purchase such a gift, then entertain yourself at the Bad Gift Emporium.

This is maybe my favorite kitschy gift of the season, no doubt inspired by my niece’s slippers:

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