back with some Quick Takes

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


My inability to be present on social media has been a little random and mostly non-existent. At first I was distressed by it because it wasn’t necessarily a choice, but it has coincided with Lent, and working out rather nicely. I admit that I’m not all that distressed by it. I’m checking in a few times…in the morning, maybe late afternoon. It’s working out well for me…you know, not so many “I’m having a cup of coffee” tweets, instead, I’m enjoying some real time banter and then moving on.


Speaking of Twitter, had a hilarious exchange with my daughter. Actually, it was a couple of retweets, and her wry observation that followed. There was a lot of buzz about Leap Day, and these played nicely into that fun:

My retweet:

Her retweet:

Immediately after that I got this text message from her:

Your most recent retweet followed by my most recent retweet is a funny juxtaposition of our generation’s mentalities 🙂

It led to a really great conversation in real time, on the phone, and what’s not to love about that?


Gonna have a little trip to New Orleans! I’ll take an epi-pen. Should I eat this?


A series of delightful events this week reminded me of this lovely picture I took a while ago at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center in Augusta, GA. I posted a bunch of pictures here. I really like this picture because the sun beams illuminate the whole space. I’ve been thinking an awful lot about Mary’s fiat since I’m working through a total consecration to Jesus through Mary.


Sometimes I get in wild moods and write poetry and actually share it, instead of shoving it under my mattress. A couple of people actually read it. I mean, besides my mother. The nice people over at Catholic Lane  are posting it! Click on my pretty little picture and you can read it, too!



My honey gave me an early birthday present! In fact, it was a lovely launch for birthday week! (yes, my birthday is very soon).


And the birthday week celebrations continue…this was breakfast, made by my own Honey, with some local honey. It better hold me til dinner 🙂


7 Quick Takes Friday: Christmas!

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


My Macbook broke a few weeks ago and I had finals and other things that kept me from the Apple store. I discovered that I really really really like my laptop. Does that make me shallow?


I turned in my grades on Monday, did some stuff at work, and came home to my Christmas vacation. My dear hubby had taken care of the Christmas shopping for our kids, so I hadn’t gone shopping yet, unless you count the office secret santa….Anyway, it was absolutely refreshing to not have that stress of hitting malls although I did eventually get around to it on Wednesday. Because I’m a glutton for punishment.


On Tuesday I went on a crazy road trip with Christy to Augusta to get a fishing reel repaired. Don’t ask — I rarely need an excuse for an adventure — and what an adventure we had.


We discovered the Sacred Heart Cultural Center, which is absolutely beautiful. I posted a bunch of pictures here, but the one I included in this post is my favorite and isn’t in the slide show. I took it on my phone because I was taken by the sight. The church is desanctified (which makes me so sad) and I was caught by surprise to walk out into this giant open space and see the beauty of that window. There are some close ups on the slide show, but what I really liked about this picture is that the sun beams illuminate the whole space. I’ve been thinking an awful lot about Mary’s fiat, captured in this beautiful image of the Annunciation, so it was a double treat to encounter this lovely scene.


This is a picture of my fireplace. Why is it empty, you ask? Because it’s 70 degrees. I am not in Miami, but there’s a hurricane outside, and John turned on the air conditioning. On the first day of winter. Air conditioning. Maybe I’ll fill it with poinsettias.


My honey gave me an early Christmas present! It was berry good!


I didn’t wait. (and  shared!)

Merry Christmas!


an unexpected pilgrimage

I spent the day in Augusta with Christy. We went on an errand that required we hang around for a few hours, patiently waiting to pick up an item we took for repair, so naturally, we went exploring. We didn’t get very far before we found the Sacred Heart Cultural Center, a de-sanctified Catholic church in a pretty sketchy part of town. We had to investigate. These pictures don’t do it any justice — the beauty of the artwork…the masonry…everything…was breath-taking. How tragic that this church was actually abandoned and set to be torn down, and how lucky that it was saved by a benefactor.

The pilgrimage continued down the street at the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, which you’ll see here, too. We were just going to sit in a Starbucks. Instead, we given a lovely gift.

Note you’ll see stained glass that covers the Joyful Mysteries (and a rosary set in stepping stones in a garden).

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