Happy Valentine’s Day

My Honey gave me beautiful yellow roses, my favorite, so I played around using the Dreamscope app.

So naturally, I tried all the crazy possibilities. Well. Not all, but the ones I liked.

Click on the first picture to scroll through the gallery. My favorite is #6.

a St. Valentine’s Day ramble

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I do not love you more today
than the other 364 days in the year,
but I do not love you any less, either,
and would not miss the chance to tell you,
with hearts and flowers and silly cards
in a playful way, that I do, in fact,
love you more than x’s and o’s
and chocolate hearts and red roses,
or in our case,
yellow ones from deep in the heart of Texas.

I would not miss the chance to laugh at candy messages.

Your love is not rationed,
and who rations love, anyway?

It just grows and grows,
not in a neat way,
like you’d see in hallmark cards,
but in messy diapers, and overtime,
in disappointments and failures,
in missed opportunities and risks not taken,

And blossoms in warm snuggles and happy reunions,
in proud moments and accomplishments,
in moments seized and showers of blessings.

It’s not a day, but a lifetime.

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