May the Fourth Be with You

Star Wars fans celebrate May 4th as Star Wars Day thanks to the clever word-play with the franchise’s iconic commendation, “May the Force be with you.”

Catholic fans used to respond with “And also with you.” Somehow, the new translation doesn’t have the same feel, “And with your spirit,” but we’ll let it ride…it works. Whatever you do, don’t respond with “Live long and prosper.” Let’s keep our cultural quips in the right setting.

The impact of Star Wars, and the widespread acclamation of Star Wars Day has spread beyond the bounds of geekdom. My mom, who’d rather watch a good murder mystery, loves C3PO. I don’t think she’s ever actually seen any of the movies.

So what’s the allure of these films?

At its core, Star Wars illustrates the battle between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. It hits us in the archetypal feels.

Sure, there are great explosions, fantastic battles, fun and interesting characters. And it’s a gift that keeps giving. I mean, who doesn’t love Baby Yoda? But it’s also a beautiful story of redemption and love. A story about discovering one’s identity and purpose in life and seeking something greater than ourselves.

At its core, Star Wars illustrates the battle between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. It hits us in the archetypal feels. Click To Tweet

The bottom line is this: good prevails.

We love these stories because we can live vicariously through them. In fact, the hero’s journey is our own spiritual journey. We are drawn to these narratives as models for our own lives. We experience the things that make us human: loss, fear, yearning, temptation, friendship, commitment, and sacrifice. In the end, we learn the value of hope.

I’m happy to celebrate today. In an era increasingly nihilistic, George Lucas gave us A New Hope.

May the Force be with you!

I explore our connection to these heroic stories and characters, especially Rey and St Clare of Assisi, in Super Girls and Halos: My Companions on the Quest for Truth, Justice, and Heroic Virtue.

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