sun-kissed strawberries

strawberriesI’ve always thought I had a brown-thumb and rarely tried to grow anything because of it. Why? I’d kill it eventually. It turns out, I just needed the time, and the interest in making things happen. Wanting a pretty garden means sweating and weeding.

Isn’t that true of everything in life?

The forces of nature sometimes get in the way of this success. But all the recent rain, although dreary and often inconvenient, has produced all kinds of lush growth in the backyard. The strawberry patch is out of control. Out of control!

I love to sit on the porch with my husband after dinner and survey the crop. It’s amazing to see a big green berry one day, and the next day, watch it turn bright red, sweetened by the sun’s kisses.

Kisses can do that, doncha know.

I’ve declared war on the critters

Do you see this beautiful berry? It was almost ready to be picked. Mmmm. The first berry of the season.


Then this sad Tweet:

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I’m on it like white on rice:

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