SURRENDER ALL book giveaway

I’m so excited to share this wonderful book for Lent, Surrender All: An Illuminated Journal Retreat through the Stations of the Cross by artist Jen Norton.

I’m always looking for some spiritual reading. I go through those books, if not quickly, then certainly consistently, as I dedicate a part of my morning prayer to spiritual reading. Jen’s book combines that meditation with a visual component that feeds all my senses. I think you’ll enjoy it, too.

I am looking forward to praying through the Stations of the Cross with this lovely companion.

To celebrate Jen’s book launch, I’m giving away a copy of Surrender All to folks in my monthly newsletter. You can sign up here. I’ll be selecting the winner on February 11th to ensure you’ll get the book by the beginning of Lent.

You can also get a copy through Ave Maria Press for the special price of $13, and shipping is free! Use the code: JOHNSON.

Spiritual reading has enriched my morning prayer routine, and subsequently, my whole day. I’d love for you to share what you’re reading, and of course, your reactions to this lovely recommendation.

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