October abroad

hanging out with the bishops of Holguin and Pinar del Río

I just got back from 3 weeks in Europe — enjoying a wonderful Mediterranean cruise. It was a dream vacation that started in Rome coinciding with the installation of Cuba’s new cardinal, Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez. John and I attended with the Cuban delegation. How awesome is that? We even made the highlight reel!

highlight reel from the cuban delegation

It was a beautiful way to start our trip through Italy, Greece, and Turkey!

the shenanigans begin

I’ll posting some more on our vacation in the coming days. There’s a lot to unpack, laundry AND memories, but I’ll leave a couple of nuggets here to whet your whistle:

Cruising is serious business. Happy hour means two drinks at once. I was game. These orange dreamsicles reminded me of my childhood. Sans the vodka, of course. OF COURSE!

They say two drinks opens up your creativity. I don’t know who”they” are, but I like them.
I rode a donkey. It was … something.

Check back soon for updates on what we did! We visited Olimpia, Athens, Ephesus, Mykonos, Santorini (see donkey above), Crete, and Naples!

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