ah…the olympics…always photo opportunities

My friend Jeff takes a special delight in pointing out that in spite of a rather illustrious past in sports, including being inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame for my high school (I’m listed for basketball in 1980), he only ever talks about the fact that I lettered in Badminton.

It’s not humiliating.

If I say it enough it will be true.

Well, take that, Jeffrey. I found something more humiliating than badminton.

Actually, I think I looked hot in my 1980’s style short shorts. More humiliating than the sport of curling is the attire that one must use to play. Really? Who thought this was a good idea?

Of course, the Norwegian Curling Team might be awful, but they’re snazzy dressers. Gotta give ’em credit for knowing how to play the media.

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