“the Bible got it right”

Hmmm. So I’m doing a little bit of research (okay, a whole lotta research) on the affective domain in education…it’s a long story, and if you’re really curious about why I care, you can read about it here. Little ole me even has something to say there 🙂

Anyway, I ran across this provocative video. It’s a little long, but if you’re intellectually curious and willing to sit through 10 minutes of nerdiness, I promise it’s interesting. And thought-provoking.

Enjoy. I did…and I’m going to be thinking about it for a while. I welcome your comments.

6 Replies to ““the Bible got it right””

  1. Realy fascinating presentation. Empathy. Perhaps I am being parochial but I see this as consistent with the Christian gospel. It is more fundamental than the golden rule and taps into the evolutionary progression the author describes. Raises interesting questions: did Christ come when he did because the human race was ready for him? 2000 years ago we were ready to think beyond tribe. I need to think more on this. Maria, thanks for sharing this!

  2. That needs to be watched again…and again…but I kept thinking that this empathy is why everyone, including many Christians, don’t want to take a stand against SSA or SSM because we just want everyone else to be happy and have what we have.

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