the new! translation — hilarity ensued

Well. No. It didn’t.

I was expecting all kinds of craziness at Mass with the new translation. I was expecting … you know what? I don’t know what I was expecting. But whatever it was, it didn’t happen.

What did happen was the Mass.

I know! The Mass, as my mom says, is the Mass is the Mass is the Mass. Who knew she was familiar with Gertrude Stein? But I digress. I’d like to say the mass was the same, and it was. And it wasn’t.

For one, I was paying attention — pretty intently, by the way. The creed was a bit bumpy, but “and with your spirit” is probably going to prove to be the most challenging. We all automatically said “and also” before correcting the “with your spirit.” I’m guessing it’s just said so many times and it’s so brief that the re-adjustment is going to take time.

Here’s the takeaway…no one was crushed. No one was ridiculed. No one was judged. No one felt stupid.

You know why? Because the Mass is the Mass is the Mass.

Happy Advent!

9 Replies to “the new! translation — hilarity ensued”

  1. THANK YOU! and your momma!

    “Here’s the takeaway…no one was crushed. No one was ridiculed. No one was judged. No one felt stupid”.

    As I watch the blogasphere and see the many unkind, almost wishful hopes from some, that the Mass will be a mess, I really appreciate what you have shared!

    Your mother has great wisdom! Like mother like daughter!?!

    “the Mass is the Mass is the Mass”.

    NUFF SAID! +++

  2. Yes! I am happy to report our parish seemed ready. “And with your spirit” was strong and got stronger as the Mass progressed. Creed was a little less confident here, too.

    The Mass, is the Mass, is the Mass. Love it!

  3. I really wanted to ask you how The Mass had been… Here in Mexico there are no changes; the things you’re saying is what we always say. Except we used to say “consubstancial”, but now we say “de la misma naturaleza…”. I suspect it is because not many people know what “consubstancial” means.

    Loved the report! Glod bless you, and happy New Yeart!

  4. I was there to join others with the new translation,wondering What next, who has the time to work it for the people who go here in Australia, many empty seats just hope ‘Advent’ will bring them back. Build it and they will come,we will watch and see.

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