these are my favorite things…

Raindrops on roses
and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles
and warm woolen mittens

Oops, that’s Maria von Trapp’s list…

Well. It could be my list, too. Except the copper kettles. I’d probably have to clean them. But I do love rain drops, yes I do, and it’s raining softly now, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the sound of rain on the awnings, and the soft breeze from a fan, and a glass of wine…. It just might lull me to sleep, and I’m okay with that.

It’s been a long week. A good week, with lots of work to be done, a lot to be accomplished, and a to do list that functioned exactly like it’s supposed to — with almost all the items crossed off.

I have a few items that are left and that I will tackle tonight — namely a chapter I need to work on in a new work of fiction. I’ve been riding a friend a little hard on her own projects, and my hubby pointed out I needed to get my own house in order. Nothing like love to pour on some loving πŸ™‚

So, that’s another favorite thing…this sorting out of voices in my head and snippets of scenes that somehow get spliced together into a form that approaches a story.

It’s also the end of Random Acts of Kindness Week, the only thing I ever find palatable about the hype surrounding Valentine’s Day. It’s actually something that I very much believe in…not to be celebrated as a week, although the attention to it is nice, but that we must consciously be kind.

It doesn’t cost us anything, and the benefits are so rich.

Here’s my favorite quote about kindness, by Blessed Mother Teresa:

β€œLet no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.”

It’s the hardest thing to do. And the easiest.

3 Replies to “these are my favorite things…”

  1. Oodles of soft colorful yarn waiting to be worked, the scent of fresh humusy earth as I garden and, of course, dark rich coffee with morning prayers.

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