three things about me…just because

1. I was almost a geologist. That makes me laugh. A lot. English is so similar to geology, doncha know.

2. I’m afraid to cross the street by myself.

3. This is one of my favorite candy bars.

what about you?

6 Replies to “three things about me…just because”

  1. 1. I loved photography as a kid, especially working with photographic film and paper. The dark room, the negative enlarger, the trays with the chemicals and watching a print come to life. Alas, now we live in the digital camera/photoshop/flickr world (and magazine covers are unbelievably fake).
    2. I think I was born further south than Bego.
    3. The SQPN’ers and Catholic New Media folks on Twitter bring smiles to me daily.
    What ’bout you?

  2. Mmmm…

    1. One of my reams was to become a musical actress.

    2. I’d love to have my own set of drums.

    3. Whenever I eat a fried egg, I first eat the white and then the yolk. I just can’t eat it another way. Once, one of my boys pricked the yolk of my egg and I was dumbfounded. I’m a bit OC.

  3. 1. I am a geologist – at least I have the degree.

    2. Since I was 7 yrs old, I’ve had a fascination with flags. This eventually expanded into an appreciation for all sorts of symbolic and iconic things – monuments, edifices, statues, aircraft carriers, parades, symphonies, ceremonies, liturgies, and, oh yeah, words.

    3. I like that you asked this question. I think this modern age makes it harder for people to get to know each other. I get the feeling that only a few of my closest friends really try to “get” me.

  4. 1. I was almost a flight attendant. Went through all the training except for CPR.

    2. My favorite candy bar is Heath. So much so that my friends once gave me a case of them for my birthday.

    3. I have a dream of taking a watercolor class since that’s my favorite medium.

  5. 1. As a kid, I always wanted to play the piano. Alas, no money for piano or lessons. I still imagine it wistfully even as arthritis teases my fingers.

    2. I am a scientist, a physiologist to be specific. I don’t practice my vocation much any more and do more paper pushing and work with government rules but in my chest there is still the heart of a scientist, excited by the micro and macro universe and all that lives in it.

    I am in the seminary studying to be a Catholic deacon. Sort of a gradual urge brought on my the Spirit and I finally got the message and He opened so many doors and windows. I am where I belong, at least for now..

  6. I dislike the sun. I always walk in the shade and wear tons of sunscreen. God has a sense of humor: I’m from Southern California and He worked it out so I would move to Spain.

    I have to say “Don’t lick your shoes” as least once a week.

    The “Thank You” I say every morning has turned from youthful enthusiasm to true gratefulness. 🙂

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